Credit: HR Asia

(Folsom, California) May 19, 2021

The National Network Reporting Company (NNRC) is pleased to announce their database of partners. The NNRC has a strict vetting process evaluates potential partners’ speed, accuracy, efficiency, and customer service. This allows attorneys to schedule a court reporting firm anywhere in the world with the full confidence that it will deliver on each and every one of their needs. On the NNRC’s database of partners, attorneys can peruse through the list to find the high-quality court reporting firm closest to them. Whether in Houston in London, there is a court reporting firm that fulfills every attorney’s needs.

In the 1980s, standards of court reporting were unregulated and led to a wide discrepancy of quality between firms. It was difficult to tell which firms offered enough services or up-to-date technology, which attorneys need to form the most impactful version of their case possible. As a result, five of the top court reporting firms came together to create the National Network Reporting Company. The firm name has since become synonymous with quality court reporting.

Credit: Getty Images

Since then, dozens of firms have become part of the NNRC family, allowing attorneys across the world to find the litigation support they need. Attorneys have a wide breadth of services to choose from, always with the latest technology utilized for the biggest impact. Court reporters’ stenographs are fast and accurate. Videographers always have the clearest audio and video. Remote depositions take place over a secure server. No matter what they schedule, attorneys can expect the best of the best from the NNRC’s partners.

For more information on the NNRC, call (916) 451-9187, email [email protected], or visit their Folsom office.

 950 Glenn Drive, Suite 150 Folsom, CA 95630